If You Are Doing More Than 2 M&A Deals a Year, You Can Get Better Results, More Quickly with Less Risk

Programmatic M&A is exploding! Companies that successfully deliver synergies from multiple deals per year have learned how to: 

Midaxo Cloud is Designed to Help Companies Doing Programmatic M&A Deliver Better Results, More Quickly with Less Risk

We’ve done this for hundreds of companies over the past decade, from small and mid-sized private and PE-backed companies to large public enterprises.

Here’s how we help Programmatic M&A succeed:

Deliver Timely, Meaningful, End-to-End Visibility – Quickly and Easily

Midaxo Cloud’s Reporting & Analytics capabilities deliver end-to-end visibility to key audiences based on our decade of experience working with deal teams, executives, investors and Boards.

Use our built-in best practice dashboards and reports, or customize them to your specific requirement.

To see more of our best practice reports, click here.

Reduce and Mitigate Risk Across All Deal Stages

Midaxo Cloud brings together multiple elements to effectively identify, track and mitigate risk across all stages of the deal life cycle, from sourcing targets to due diligence to post-merger integration:

  • Best Practice Playbooks: use our industry-leading due diligence and post-merger integration playbooks to review and improve your own processes.
  • Effective Collaboration: our in-app collaboration capabilities, together with our integration with Teams, SharePoint and other 3rd party tools, break down the silos that too often increase risks within and across deal stages.
  • Single Source of Truth: our purpose-built M&A platform centralizes workflows, documents, information, approvals, compliance, reporting and analytics in a single, secure online environment, dramatically reducing a wide range of the risks within and across deal stages.
  • Clear Accountability: our M&A-specific design simplifies assigning, tracking and reporting on the status of activities to highlight issues early and resolve them quickly.

Improve productivity in sourcing targets, conducting diligence and implementing deals through better collaboration, clear accountability, and creating a single source of truth

The same capabilities that reduce and mitigate M&A risk also dramatically improve the productivity that is critical to scaling your team’s success in handling multiple deals:

  • Best Practice PlaybooksJumpstart your diligence and post-merger activities with our proven, industry leading playbooks. And combine them with your own playbooks to customize them for each deal. 
  • Effective Collaboration: Streamline workflows with our in-app collaboration capabilities and our integration with Teams, SharePoint and other 3rd party tools you are already using.
  • Single Source of Truth: our purpose-built work management platform centralizes workflows, documents, information, approvals, compliance, reporting and analytics in a single, secure online environment, dramatically reducing a wide range of the risks within and across deal stages.
  • Clear Accountability: our M&A-specific design simplifies assigning, tracking and reporting on the status of activities to highlight issues early and resolve them quickly.

Implement Best Practices within and across deal stages

Ensure Consistent, High Quality Execution by Implementing Best Practices:

  • Best Practice ReportingMidaxo Cloud’s best practice dashboards and reports deliver customizeable, end-to-end visibility to deal teams, executives, investors and Boards quickly, no matter how many deals you are managing. 
  • Best Practice PlaybooksJumpstart your diligence and post-merger activities with our proven, industry leading playbooks. And combine them with your own playbooks to customize them for each deal.
  • Synergy Tracking: our M&A-centric design enables you to align a company’s business strategy with its M&A Strategy, assign discrete activities of that strategy to responsible individuals, then easily update, track and report on the results across the entire M&A life cycle.

Scale your M&A program with purpose-built tools and technologies

Most M&A programs run on a combination of existing spreadsheet, email, and content / knowledge management tools. This home-grown “solution” reduces the effectiveness of frequent Corporate Development activities.

  • Data, documents and processes live in multiple places with unclear access rules rather than in one centralized, secure location.
  • End-to-end visibility, analysis and reporting is limited to individual phases of the deal life cycle rather than offering a holistic, end-to-end perspective.
  • Risk and issue management are siloed, and accountability often blurred, resulting in delays
  • Tracking actual delivered deal synergy against a deal thesis is difficult.
  • Capturing and leveraging knowledge gained from previous deals depends on individual initiative rather than being supported by effective tools and standard processes. 
  • Providing auditors with the information they require to approve a deal is time consuming and chaotic.

Learn How Midaxo Can Power Your Visibility