Midaxo Webinars Archive
Deep Dive on Advanced M&A Playbook Capabilities: Turbo Charge Your Success!
October 16 at 11:30am ET | 15:30 GMT | 16:30 BST | 17:30 CET Mention “Playbooks” to M&A teams and too many people think only of simple checklists and task trees. They are missing out on so much potential value! Advanced Playbook capabilities today cover the entire M&A end-to-end process, including all the items you …
Best Practices in Delivering and Tracking M&A Value and Synergies
It’s only a matter of time before your Board pops the question: How are we doing with those companies we acquired last year? Have we created value for our shareholders, e.g. incremental revenue, cost savings, new offerings, new markets? If, like so many others, your answer is “Hard to say,” “Depends on who you ask,” …
Beyond the Hype: How to Prepare Today for AI’s Impact on M&A
Where are you in your AI journey? We are bombarded daily by stories of AI’s potential to transform how we do M&A in the future. However, despite the hype and the many efforts of exploration, actual adoption so far of AI in the M&A world has been slow, inhibited by a number of key factors. …
4 Steps to Build a Winning M&A Pipeline
Building a successful M&A pipeline is challenging. Your team must focus on the right targets for your organization, analyze them effectively, and maintain relationships with those targets over time in a changing marketplace. And as a leader, you must build continuing improvement into your process based on your experience with each deal. How do the best in …
4 Ways the New Midaxo Cloud Accelerates Inorganic Growth
Leading companies worldwide are accelerating their inorganic growth and reducing their deal risk using modern, online platforms to empower their M&A and corporate development activities. These platforms can also enable visibility across teams and pipelines and increase collaboration and productivity for corporate development teams. The new Midaxo Cloud work management platform centralizes and standardizes M&A …
7 Tips and Tricks for Successful Technology Due Diligence and Integrations
The majority of acquisition failures are due to problems during post-merger integration. Challenges rationalizing the technologies, processes, and technical and product teams of two companies can be a major hurdle to success. Poor technology due diligence can result in unexpectedly high integration costs, cultural clashes and dysfunction, a lack of business scalability, and missed business opportunities. On September 26th …
Preserving the Spark: Realizing Value When Acquiring Smaller Companies
Consider this: your company has decided to acquire a small company because you are impressed with their technology and people. And now your Post-Merger Integration (PMI) process will determine whether your organization captures the projected deal value or destroys it. One of the biggest challenges faced by big companies is the lack of adequate resources …
How to Build a Winning M&A Pipeline
In this webinar, Jude McColgan (CEO, Midaxo) and Vilius Audinis, PhD (Head of Product Management, Midaxo) reveal the key to reviewing 5x more targets and building a winning M&A pipeline using a systematic and repeatable approach. Deal teams that use a systematic and repeatable approach for M&A screen 5x more targets and originate more deals. …
Taming the M&A Beast: How HPE Deployed Best in Class Tools to Manage Complex Transactions
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) built a pioneering process leveraging Midaxo’s process management software to manage complex M&A transactions. The platform and related processes were used to execute the largest corporate separation in history, a $110 billion split with more than 1,200 legal transactions, allocating 50,000 patents, and assigning or cloning 150,000 partner and customer contracts, …
Deliver Transformation with Midaxo: Restructuring and Operational Excellence
Restructuring and operating more efficiently will be a priority for many companies through the rest of 2020. Midaxo has helped execute this type of initiative since our beginning; the 2015 Hewlett Packard/Hewlett Packard Enterprise split, one of the largest divestments on record, was one of the first large-scale projects managed in Midaxo. During this webinar …
Making Your Process Repeatable Through Groups
Watch the first in a series of customer webinars on the topic of how to create repeatable processes starting with maximizing your use of groups. Featured Content: Using Groups (How to) Webinar William Drummy, Customer Success Manager with Midaxo, covers the power of using groups as a major component of repeatability in your day to day …
Accelerating Dealmaking Opportunities with Technology
On February 28th, the editors of Mergers & Acquisitions held a live Q&A where they discussed with a panel of senior executives — including Jude McColgan (Midaxo), Sarah Beltz (Crowe), and Afraz Haque (CareAbout) — how M&A productivity platforms are helping companies: Watch the informative panel discussion on using new technologies to the advantage of …
5 Ways the New Midaxo Platform Powers Better Dealmaking
The Midaxo platform has undergone dramatic improvements that can make your M&A efforts more effective, efficient, and less risky. Major improvements to the deal sourcing, diligence and integration capabilities are now available or coming soon. On December 15th, our speakers discussed: Watch this on-demand webinar to learn how the Midaxo platform will help your company make …
7+ M&A Pipeline Metrics You Should Be Tracking
On October 20, 2022 our Head of Product Management, Vilius Audinis, PhD. and Customer Success Strategist, William Drummy revealed the reporting discipline that could be missing from your acquisition strategy. Tracking pipeline metrics goes a long way in providing a constant health check of your M&A and corporate development initiatives. The right metrics provide valuable insight into why targets are being rejected, …
New Product Demo Introducing: Midaxo+
Midaxo+ is our next generation platform for M&A deal management — offering advanced capabilities for frequent acquirers to manage and visualize deal progress from start to finish in a single platform. Craig Blum (V.P. Customer Success) and Kalle Kilpe (Co-founder and CPO) walk us through the new product and its full range of features, including:
DealLab Live Q&A Series Roll-Up Strategies
Live Q&A on Integration Galina Wolinetz answered questions about the challenges and opportunities presented by roll-up strategies. Galina has 25 years of industry experience in execution of corporate strategic growth initiatives. As an executive program leader she has supported and led post-merger integration programs, ranging from $10M up to $18B+, generating near $1B in synergies.
KPMG’s Field-tested Methods for Capturing Value
Putting Value Creation Theory into Practice Join Midaxo and KPMG as we discuss value creation as a verb, not a theory. Our hosts Harold de Bruijn, Evgenia Molotova, and Dominic Sullivan from KPMG Netherlands, will walk us through the systematic methods they use to identify and capture value in a deal context. Join us Tuesday, December 7th at 10:00am EST / …
Risky Business? Ensuring True End-to-End Security in M&A
There are so many layers to security we don’t think about…until it’s too late. That’s why it’s time to give Security a permanent seat at the table. This webinar featured Jim McConnell, Corporate Security Leader at Verizon. Jim has over 38 years of experience working in the security and technology space, and over 26 years of …
New Product Demo M&A Pipeline CRM
M&A Pipeline CRM We are very excited to announce a new offering from Midaxo. Pipeline CRM (Available Now) is our new lightweight CRM app, purpose-built for M&A. In this demo, Kalle Kilpi, Chief Product Officer at Midaxo, walks us through the new product and its full range of features, including:
An M&A Best Practice Webinar How to Make Roll-Ups Worth It
A Conversation with Virtas Partners on Managing Risk through Structured Integration Programs Experts predict add-on and roll-up activity to be a large portion of the M&A pie in 2021, yet research shows that almost 2/3 of roll-up strategies fail to create value for investors. So how do you make a roll-up worth it? We are …
Learn How Midaxo Can Power Your Dealmaking
Contact us for a live demo or simply to discuss how Midaxo can improve the productivity of your team