Why Your M&A Process Needs More Than a VDR

More Than a VDR image

Introduction: Virtual data rooms (VDRs) gained popularity around 2001 and have become an increasingly popular tool for mergers and acquisitions. In fact, every day hundreds of people search for VDRs via the internet. Here is the problem though when it comes to M&A and virtual data rooms: while they have transformed the ability to secure … Read more

5 Reasons Why You Need to Automate M&A Reporting

5 Reasons Why You Need to Automate M&A Reporting

M&A reporting has traditionally been characterized by a manual process, whereby deal teams collate reams of data and work it into a static PowerPoint report – which inevitably becomes out of date within hours. The process is repeated week-after-week prior to Monday morning progress meetings – often by a number of ambitious analysts, who are at … Read more