Developing a Systematic & Repeatable M&A Process: From Strategy to Acquisition Management

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Portions of this post were originally published in 2019 and have been updated to include more in-depth and up-to-date information. The most successful acquirers in M&A take a proactive, systematic, and repeatable approach to screening targets and originating deals. They actively manage an M&A pipeline of suitable acquisition targets rather than making knee-jerk reactions to deals. They … Read more

Doing Multiple Deals a Year: The Case for M&A Pipeline Software

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Undoubtedly, leveraging M&A activity can bring unprecedented value to companies. More specifically, frequent buyers (sometimes referred to as serial acquirers) — no matter their size — increase company value faster than infrequent acquirers. However, simply entering the M&A arena does not guarantee value creation — especially in the competitive post COVID-19 marketplace. In fact, it is only … Read more

Cybersecurity Due Diligence in M&A Transactions

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Introduction Each year the financial consequence of data breaches creeps higher and higher. On average in 2021, a data breach cost a company $4.24 million, which is a 10% increase in the average cost compared to 2019. Of course, for companies in specific industries such as finance and healthcare, the damages can be even higher. … Read more

M&A Target Scoring Best Practices & Current Trends

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This post was originally published in November 2021 and updated in August 2022 to include up-to-date information. Introduction Companies engaged in the world of M&A need to be focused in their intent and execution of deals if they are to realize maximum value from deals. How best to do this?  First, an overarching strategy must … Read more

5 Things to Consider When Evaluating Cybersecurity in M&A Vendors

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With increased cyber threats, cybersecurity due diligence in M&A transactions is a must for companies, protecting them from reputational and financial risks.  Cybersecurity due diligence can be simplified by using a dedicated M&A platform. This will help you manage your deal pipeline, disinvestments, post-merger integration process, consulting, legal operation etc. Vendors that adopt such deal-management … Read more

How to Select Deal Flow Management Software

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Properly leveraging M&A software is one of the foundational elements of building internal M&A capabilities and extracting deal value, but with so many offerings on the market, the process of selecting the best one has become cumbersome. Unfortunately, the price of choosing the wrong deal management software is quite high.  According to Bain & Company, current key trends … Read more

Expert Insights: M&A Strategies for Frequent Acquirers

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Introduction: Located in North Carolina, CREO, Inc. is an innovative management consulting firm that provides expertise throughout the M&A process to companies engaging in inorganic growth. CREO is led by Susan Acker-Walsh, who is both co-founder and CEO. Acker-Walsh herself boasts a 35 year background in Corporate Development, leadership, and transactions related work. Though the … Read more

Why Your M&A Process Needs More Than a VDR

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Introduction: Virtual data rooms (VDRs) gained popularity around 2001 and have become an increasingly popular tool for mergers and acquisitions. In fact, every day hundreds of people search for VDRs via the internet. Here is the problem though when it comes to M&A and virtual data rooms: while they have transformed the ability to secure … Read more

Ask an Expert: Roll-Up Strategies

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Introduction: Galina Wolinetz boasts over 25 years of industry experience, specifically in Corporate Development roles. She is currently a critical member of Virtas Partners, serving as its Managing Director. In a recent Live Q&A with Midaxo, Wolinetz leveraged her expertise to offer insights into commonly asked questions regarding roll-ups. We’ve summarized some of the popular questions … Read more

How Deal Scoring Accelerates Pipeline Execution

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In a recent blog post, we covered current trends and best practices for target scoring (a.k.a. deal scoring) — the process that provides programmatic serial acquirers with a methodical way to manage their pipeline of opportunities and rate potential targets against custom criteria. Corporate development teams need to constantly organize opportunities, sorting by deal hypothesis and using … Read more