Unlocking Deal Success: Introducing the Midaxo Value Tracker

Tracking the progress of your deals to your initiatives and KPIs increases the likelihood that they achieve their projected value. M&A transactions involve complex processes, multiple stakeholders and a significant amount of data. To navigate these challenges and maximize deal success, professionals are leveraging innovative digital technologies. One such tool gaining prominence in the M&A … Read more

Extracting Deal Value & Fighting Value Erosion

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Introduction: Value creation starts earlier than you think; it begins with an overarching M&A strategy for inorganic growth, which allows you to identify the most appropriate targets for your strategy. Once your targets are lined up, teams need to quickly shift to how they are going to create value through a specific acquisition or divestiture … Read more

Spend More Time Thinking About IT Due Diligence

A Guide to M&A Deal Flow and M&A Pipeline Management

Technological advancement is changing the way companies compete. The torrid pace of innovation requires commitment to digital transformation in a way that few companies can keep up with using internal capabilities alone. This is why M&A transaction rates continue to climb. Companies with well-oiled deal processes find that these campaigns safeguard and advance their business models, … Read more

5 Key Steps To Capturing M&A Synergies

A Guide to M&A Deal Flow and M&A Pipeline Management

Closing a deal is difficult – however, the capturing of synergies post-deal is arguably even more difficult. The objective of M&A is to create value – yet once the dust has settled, “deal fever” has subsided and post-merger integration is underway, it is easy for an acquirer to lose sight of the goal of synergy capture. For a … Read more